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About Us

Dr.-Ing. Albrecht Reuter

Within the DigIPlat project, Albrecht Reuter is particularly responsible for the dissemination of the project results via workshops, conferences and committee work is complemented by him so that all relevant stakeholders such as TSOs/DSOs, aggregators, associations or regulators are involved.

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Graeber

Dietmar Graeber is project coordinator of the DigIPlat project. He is responsible for coordinating the work of all partners according to the overall work plan and represents the project - e.g. within the ERA-Net community.

Manuela McCulloch

Manuela McCulloch assumes the role of project manager in the DigIPlat project. She supports the project coordinator, the committees and the project team and is the contact person for ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems.

Project Partners

The Smart Grids Research Group at Technische Hochschule Ulm with its application-oriented focus, represents an important interface between the research and the energy industry in Germany. It focuses on energy economics and energy informatics with respect to the integration of distributed energy resources.


The Center for Energy of AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria's largest non-university research institute, engages in a holistic approach to an environmentally friendly electricity supply and the simulation of integrated energy systems including electricity markets, transmission and distribution grids.


Computational Finance at the University of St. Gallen comprise stochastic optimization and simulation. In applied research the focus lies on order book analyses, modeling of price processes in electricity trading, risk-adjusted performance management and the valuation of flexibility.


The Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI) at the KIT conducts research and development within the field of innovative, application-oriented information, automation and systems technology for sustainable energy systems. Energy research at IAI includes power system modeling, simulation and visualization.


Austria’s transmission system operator (TSO), in close cooperation with the TSOs of its European neighbors, monitors, coordinates and controls cross-border electricity flows and ensures a safe and secure electricity supply of Europe in a sustainable fashion as a part of ENTSO-E.


TransnetBW is one of Germany's four TSOs and initiated the Netzregelverbund as an interoperability solution for national platforms for frequency control, which was the basis for the International Grid Control Cooperation. TransnetBW promotes  further platforms like DA/RE, RES/RAS, Connect+(RAIDA) and Equigy(CBP).


Fichtner IT Consulting GmbH addressed smart grids and flexibility platforms in numerous IT projects from the early stages, enabling the implementation and digital transformation to orchestrate and lift the potential of flexibility. Fichtner IT provides extensive detailed knowledge of the process flows on a technical and on a business management level.



Reach us at office(at)digiplat.eu

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